Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cultural Curiosities

These of course were staged. They are from one of my own drawers. Some in the "too special to use" category. A lot of these are made from real bones!
The first pic is fibers, shells, beads, bells, metal thingies. They are probably made in Mexico. The others are made from bones and some wood and leather. The longest piece is about 5".
I actually picked these up from an estate sale. The woman did some amazing textile work and traveled all over the world. If I would have had an extra $1,000. to blow that day, I would have been in heaven.


  1. Awesome! I especially like the middle picture.

    I need to get the pictures to you. How do I do that?


  2. Thanks Tam! Email pics to

  3. lovely pix. are they all beads??

  4. You could use them all as beads, but they could be used for so much more. If unlike myself, you could use them.

    Good to hear from you Susan!
